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1 - About class reference


Name Type Description Notes
name str
description str
version str

2 - AcceptInvitationRead class reference


Name Type Description Notes
organization_slug str

3 - AnalyticsReport class reference


Name Type Description Notes
created_date datetime
target AnalyticsReportTargetEnum
statistics [Metric]
job_id int [optional]
task_id int [optional]
project_id int [optional]

4 - AnalyticsReportCreateRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
job_id int [optional]
task_id int [optional]
project_id int [optional]

5 - AnalyticsReportTargetEnum class reference

  • `job` - JOB * `task` - TASK * `project` - PROJECT


Name Type Description Notes
value str * job - JOB * task - TASK * project - PROJECT must be one of [“job”, “task”, “project”, ]

6 - AnnotationConflict class reference


Name Type Description Notes
annotation_ids [AnnotationId]
id int [optional] [readonly]
frame int [optional] [readonly]
type bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type [optional] [readonly]
report_id int [optional] [readonly]
severity bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type [optional] [readonly]

7 - AnnotationConflictTypeEnum class reference

  • `missing_annotation` - MISSING_ANNOTATION * `extra_annotation` - EXTRA_ANNOTATION * `mismatching_label` - MISMATCHING_LABEL * `low_overlap` - LOW_OVERLAP * `mismatching_direction` - MISMATCHING_DIRECTION * `mismatching_attributes` - MISMATCHING_ATTRIBUTES * `mismatching_groups` - MISMATCHING_GROUPS * `covered_annotation` - COVERED_ANNOTATION


Name Type Description Notes
value str * missing_annotation - MISSING_ANNOTATION * extra_annotation - EXTRA_ANNOTATION * mismatching_label - MISMATCHING_LABEL * low_overlap - LOW_OVERLAP * mismatching_direction - MISMATCHING_DIRECTION * mismatching_attributes - MISMATCHING_ATTRIBUTES * mismatching_groups - MISMATCHING_GROUPS * covered_annotation - COVERED_ANNOTATION must be one of [“missing_annotation”, “extra_annotation”, “mismatching_label”, “low_overlap”, “mismatching_direction”, “mismatching_attributes”, “mismatching_groups”, “covered_annotation”, ]

8 - AnnotationFileRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
annotation_file file_type

9 - AnnotationGuideRead class reference


Name Type Description Notes
id int [optional] [readonly]
task_id int, none_type [optional] [readonly]
project_id int, none_type [optional] [readonly]
created_date datetime [optional] [readonly]
updated_date datetime [optional] [readonly]
markdown str [optional] [readonly]

10 - AnnotationGuideWriteRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
task_id int, none_type [optional]
project_id int, none_type [optional]
markdown str [optional]

11 - AnnotationId class reference


Name Type Description Notes
obj_id int [optional] [readonly]
job_id int [optional] [readonly]
type bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type [optional] [readonly]
shape_type AnnotationIdShapeType [optional]

12 - AnnotationIdShapeType class reference


Name Type Description Notes

13 - AnnotationIdTypeEnum class reference

  • `tag` - TAG * `shape` - SHAPE * `track` - TRACK


Name Type Description Notes
value str * tag - TAG * shape - SHAPE * track - TRACK must be one of [“tag”, “shape”, “track”, ]

14 - AnnotationsRead class reference


Name Type Description Notes
version int [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of 0
tags [LabeledImage] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []
shapes [LabeledShape] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []
tracks [LabeledTrack] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []

15 - AssetRead class reference


Name Type Description Notes
filename str
uuid str [optional] [readonly]
created_date datetime [optional] [readonly]
owner BasicUser [optional]
guide_id int [optional] [readonly]

16 - Attribute class reference


Name Type Description Notes
name str
mutable bool
input_type InputTypeEnum
values [str]
id int [optional]
default_value str [optional]

17 - AttributeRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
name str
mutable bool
input_type InputTypeEnum
values [str]
id int [optional]
default_value str [optional]

18 - AttributeVal class reference


Name Type Description Notes
spec_id int
value str

19 - AttributeValRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
spec_id int
value str

20 - BackupWriteRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
project_file file_type [optional]

21 - BasicOrganization class reference


Name Type Description Notes
id int [optional] [readonly]
slug str [optional] [readonly]

22 - BasicUser class reference


Name Type Description Notes
username str Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.
url str [optional] [readonly]
id int [optional] [readonly]
first_name str [optional]
last_name str [optional]

23 - BasicUserRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
username str Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.
first_name str [optional]
last_name str [optional]

24 - BinaryOperation class reference


Name Type Description Notes
operator OperatorEnum
left str, none_type The name of the data series used as the left (first) operand of the binary operation. [optional]
right str, none_type The name of the data series used as the right (second) operand of the binary operation. [optional]

25 - ChunkType class reference

  • `video` - VIDEO * `imageset` - IMAGESET * `list` - LIST


Name Type Description Notes
value str * video - VIDEO * imageset - IMAGESET * list - LIST must be one of [“video”, “imageset”, “list”, ]

26 - ClientEvents class reference


Name Type Description Notes
timestamp datetime
events [Event] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []

27 - ClientEventsRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
timestamp datetime
events [EventRequest] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []
previous_event ClientEventsRequestPreviousEvent [optional]

28 - ClientEventsRequestPreviousEvent class reference


Name Type Description Notes
scope str
timestamp datetime
obj_name str, none_type [optional]
obj_id int, none_type [optional]
obj_val str, none_type [optional]
source str, none_type [optional]
count int, none_type [optional]
duration int [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of 0
project_id int, none_type [optional]
task_id int, none_type [optional]
job_id int, none_type [optional]
user_id int, none_type [optional]
user_name str, none_type [optional]
user_email str, none_type [optional]
org_id int, none_type [optional]
org_slug str, none_type [optional]
payload str, none_type [optional]

29 - CloudStorageContent class reference


Name Type Description Notes
content [FileInfo]
next str, none_type This token is used to continue listing files in the bucket. [optional]

30 - CloudStorageRead class reference


Name Type Description Notes
provider_type ProviderTypeEnum
resource str
display_name str
credentials_type CredentialsTypeEnum
id int [optional] [readonly]
owner CloudStorageReadOwner [optional]
manifests [str] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []
created_date datetime [optional] [readonly]
updated_date datetime [optional] [readonly]
specific_attributes str [optional]
description str [optional]
organization int, none_type [optional] [readonly]

31 - CloudStorageReadOwner class reference


Name Type Description Notes
username str Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.
url str [optional] [readonly]
id int [optional] [readonly]
first_name str [optional]
last_name str [optional]

32 - CloudStorageWriteRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
provider_type ProviderTypeEnum
resource str
display_name str
credentials_type CredentialsTypeEnum
owner BasicUserRequest [optional]
session_token str [optional]
account_name str [optional]
key str [optional]
secret_key str [optional]
connection_string str [optional]
key_file file_type [optional]
specific_attributes str [optional]
description str [optional]
manifests [str] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []

33 - CommentRead class reference


Name Type Description Notes
id int [optional] [readonly]
issue int [optional] [readonly]
owner CloudStorageReadOwner [optional]
message str [optional] [readonly]
created_date datetime [optional] [readonly]
updated_date datetime [optional] [readonly]

34 - CommentsSummary class reference


Name Type Description Notes
count int [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of 0
url str [optional] [readonly]

35 - CommentWriteRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
issue int
message str [optional]

36 - CredentialsTypeEnum class reference



Name Type Description Notes

37 - DataFrame class reference


Name Type Description Notes
value float
date date

38 - DataMetaRead class reference


Name Type Description Notes
chunks_updated_date datetime
image_quality int
frames [FrameMeta], none_type
deleted_frames [int]
chunk_size int, none_type [optional] [readonly]
size int The number of frames included. Deleted frames do not affect this value. [optional] [readonly]
start_frame int [optional] [readonly]
stop_frame int [optional] [readonly]
frame_filter str [optional] [readonly]
included_frames [int], none_type A list of valid frame ids. The None value means all frames are included. [optional]

39 - DataRequest class reference

Read more about parameters here:


Name Type Description Notes
image_quality int Image quality to use during annotation
chunk_size int, none_type Maximum number of frames per chunk [optional]
start_frame int First frame index [optional]
stop_frame int Last frame index [optional]
frame_filter str Frame filter. The only supported syntax is: ‘step=N’ [optional]
client_files [file_type] Uploaded files. Must contain all files from job_file_mapping if job_file_mapping is not empty. [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []
server_files [str] Paths to files from a file share mounted on the server, or from a cloud storage. Must contain all files from job_file_mapping if job_file_mapping is not empty. [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []
remote_files [str] Direct download URLs for files. Must contain all files from job_file_mapping if job_file_mapping is not empty. [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []
use_zip_chunks bool When true, video chunks will be represented as zip archives with decoded video frames. When false, video chunks are represented as video segments [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of False
server_files_exclude [str] Paths to files and directories from a file share mounted on the server, or from a cloud storage that should be excluded from the directories specified in server_files. This option cannot be used together with filename_pattern. The server_files_exclude parameter cannot be used to exclude a part of dataset from an archive. Examples: Exclude all files from subfolder ‘sub/sub_1/sub_2’and single file ‘sub/image.jpg’ from specified folder: server_files = [‘sub/’], server_files_exclude = [‘sub/sub_1/sub_2/’, ‘sub/image.jpg’] Exclude all cloud storage files with prefix ‘sub’ from the content of manifest file: server_files = [‘manifest.jsonl’], server_files_exclude = [‘sub/’] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []
cloud_storage_id int, none_type If not null, the files referenced by server_files will be retrieved from the cloud storage with the specified ID. The cloud storages applicable depend on the context. In the user sandbox, only the user sandbox cloud storages can be used. In an organization, only the organization cloud storages can be used. [optional]
use_cache bool Enable or disable task data chunk caching for the task. Read more: [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of False
copy_data bool Copy data from the server file share to CVAT during the task creation. This will create a copy of the data, making the server independent from the file share availability [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of False
storage_method StorageMethod [optional]
storage StorageType [optional]
sorting_method SortingMethod [optional]
filename_pattern str, none_type A filename filter for cloud storage files listed in the manifest. Supports fnmatch wildcards. Read more: [optional]
job_file_mapping [[str]] Represents a file-to-job mapping. Useful to specify a custom job configuration during task creation. This option is not compatible with most other job split-related options. Files in the jobs must not overlap or repeat. Job file mapping files must be a subset of the input files. If directories are specified in server_files, all files obtained by recursive search in the specified directories will be used as input files. In case of missing items in the input files, an error will be raised. Example: [ ["file1.jpg", "file2.jpg"], # job #1 files ["file3.png"], # job #2 files ["file4.jpg", "file5.png", "file6.bmp"], # job #3 files ] [optional]
upload_file_order [str] Allows to specify file order for client_file uploads. Only valid with the "predefined" sorting method selected. To state that the input files are sent in the correct order, pass an empty list. If you want to send files in an arbitrary order and reorder them afterwards on the server, pass the list of file names in the required order. [optional]
validation_params DataRequestValidationParams [optional]

40 - DataRequestValidationParams class reference


Name Type Description Notes
mode ValidationMode
frame_selection_method FrameSelectionMethod
random_seed int The seed value for the random number generator. The same value will produce the same frame sets. Applicable only to random frame selection methods. By default, a random value is used. [optional]
frames [str] The list of file names to be included in the validation set. Applicable only to the "manual" frame selection method. Can only be used for images. [optional]
frame_count int The number of frames to be included in the validation set. Applicable only to the "random_uniform" frame selection method [optional]
frame_share float The share of frames to be included in the validation set. Applicable only to the "random_uniform" frame selection method [optional]
frames_per_job_count int The number of frames to be included in the validation set from each annotation job. Applicable only to the "random_per_job" frame selection method [optional]
frames_per_job_share float The share of frames to be included in the validation set from each annotation job. Applicable only to the "random_per_job" frame selection method [optional]

41 - DataResponse class reference


Name Type Description Notes
rq_id str Request id [optional]

42 - DatasetFileRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
dataset_file file_type

43 - DatasetFormat class reference


Name Type Description Notes
name str
ext str
version str
enabled bool
dimension str

44 - DatasetFormats class reference


Name Type Description Notes
importers [DatasetFormat]
exporters [DatasetFormat]

45 - DatasetWriteRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
dataset_file file_type [optional]

46 - DefaultViewEnum class reference

  • `numeric` - NUMERIC * `histogram` - HISTOGRAM


Name Type Description Notes
value str * numeric - NUMERIC * histogram - HISTOGRAM must be one of [“numeric”, “histogram”, ]

47 - Event class reference


Name Type Description Notes
scope str
timestamp datetime
obj_name str, none_type [optional]
obj_id int, none_type [optional]
obj_val str, none_type [optional]
source str, none_type [optional]
count int, none_type [optional]
duration int [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of 0
project_id int, none_type [optional]
task_id int, none_type [optional]
job_id int, none_type [optional]
user_id int, none_type [optional]
user_name str, none_type [optional]
user_email str, none_type [optional]
org_id int, none_type [optional]
org_slug str, none_type [optional]
payload str, none_type [optional]

48 - EventRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
scope str
timestamp datetime
obj_name str, none_type [optional]
obj_id int, none_type [optional]
obj_val str, none_type [optional]
source str, none_type [optional]
count int, none_type [optional]
duration int [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of 0
project_id int, none_type [optional]
task_id int, none_type [optional]
job_id int, none_type [optional]
user_id int, none_type [optional]
user_name str, none_type [optional]
user_email str, none_type [optional]
org_id int, none_type [optional]
org_slug str, none_type [optional]
payload str, none_type [optional]

49 - Events class reference


Name Type Description Notes
webhook_type WebhookType
events [EventsEnum]

50 - EventsEnum class reference

  • `create:comment` - CREATE:COMMENT * `create:invitation` - CREATE:INVITATION * `create:issue` - CREATE:ISSUE * `create:job` - CREATE:JOB * `create:membership` - CREATE:MEMBERSHIP * `create:project` - CREATE:PROJECT * `create:task` - CREATE:TASK * `delete:comment` - DELETE:COMMENT * `delete:invitation` - DELETE:INVITATION * `delete:issue` - DELETE:ISSUE * `delete:job` - DELETE:JOB * `delete:membership` - DELETE:MEMBERSHIP * `delete:organization` - DELETE:ORGANIZATION * `delete:project` - DELETE:PROJECT * `delete:task` - DELETE:TASK * `update:comment` - UPDATE:COMMENT * `update:issue` - UPDATE:ISSUE * `update:job` - UPDATE:JOB * `update:membership` - UPDATE:MEMBERSHIP * `update:organization` - UPDATE:ORGANIZATION * `update:project` - UPDATE:PROJECT * `update:task` - UPDATE:TASK


Name Type Description Notes
value str * create:comment - CREATE:COMMENT * create:invitation - CREATE:INVITATION * create:issue - CREATE:ISSUE * create:job - CREATE:JOB * create:membership - CREATE:MEMBERSHIP * create:project - CREATE:PROJECT * create:task - CREATE:TASK * delete:comment - DELETE:COMMENT * delete:invitation - DELETE:INVITATION * delete:issue - DELETE:ISSUE * delete:job - DELETE:JOB * delete:membership - DELETE:MEMBERSHIP * delete:organization - DELETE:ORGANIZATION * delete:project - DELETE:PROJECT * delete:task - DELETE:TASK * update:comment - UPDATE:COMMENT * update:issue - UPDATE:ISSUE * update:job - UPDATE:JOB * update:membership - UPDATE:MEMBERSHIP * update:organization - UPDATE:ORGANIZATION * update:project - UPDATE:PROJECT * update:task - UPDATE:TASK must be one of [“create:comment”, “create:invitation”, “create:issue”, “create:job”, “create:membership”, “create:project”, “create:task”, “delete:comment”, “delete:invitation”, “delete:issue”, “delete:job”, “delete:membership”, “delete:organization”, “delete:project”, “delete:task”, “update:comment”, “update:issue”, “update:job”, “update:membership”, “update:organization”, “update:project”, “update:task”, ]

51 - FileInfo class reference


Name Type Description Notes
name str
type FileInfoTypeEnum
mime_type str

52 - FileInfoTypeEnum class reference

  • `REG` - REG * `DIR` - DIR


Name Type Description Notes
value str * REG - REG * DIR - DIR must be one of [“REG”, “DIR”, ]

53 - FrameMeta class reference


Name Type Description Notes
width int
height int
name str
related_files int
has_related_context bool [optional] [readonly]

54 - FrameSelectionMethod class reference

  • `random_uniform` - RANDOM_UNIFORM * `random_per_job` - RANDOM_PER_JOB * `manual` - MANUAL


Name Type Description Notes
value str * random_uniform - RANDOM_UNIFORM * random_per_job - RANDOM_PER_JOB * manual - MANUAL must be one of [“random_uniform”, “random_per_job”, “manual”, ]

55 - FunctionCall class reference


Name Type Description Notes
id str Request id
function FunctionCallParams
status str, none_type
enqueued datetime, none_type
started datetime, none_type
ended datetime, none_type
progress int, none_type [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of 0
exc_info str, none_type [optional]

56 - FunctionCallParams class reference


Name Type Description Notes
id str, none_type The name of the function
task int, none_type The id of the task
threshold float, none_type
job int The id of the job [optional]

57 - FunctionCallRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
function str The name of the function to execute
task int The id of the task to be annotated
job int The id of the job to be annotated [optional]
quality bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type The quality of the images to use in the model run * compressed - compressed * original - original [optional]
max_distance int [optional]
threshold float [optional]
cleanup bool Whether existing annotations should be removed [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of False
conv_mask_to_poly bool [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of False
mapping {str: (LabelMappingEntryRequest,)} Label mapping from the model to the task labels [optional]

58 - GranularityEnum class reference

  • `day` - DAY * `week` - WEEK * `month` - MONTH


Name Type Description Notes
value str * day - DAY * week - WEEK * month - MONTH must be one of [“day”, “week”, “month”, ]

59 - InputTypeEnum class reference

  • `checkbox` - CHECKBOX * `radio` - RADIO * `number` - NUMBER * `text` - TEXT * `select` - SELECT


Name Type Description Notes
value str * checkbox - CHECKBOX * radio - RADIO * number - NUMBER * text - TEXT * select - SELECT must be one of [“checkbox”, “radio”, “number”, “text”, “select”, ]

60 - InvitationRead class reference


Name Type Description Notes
owner CloudStorageReadOwner
role RoleEnum
user BasicUser
organization int
organization_info BasicOrganization
key str [optional] [readonly]
created_date datetime [optional] [readonly]
expired bool, none_type [optional] [readonly]

61 - InvitationWriteRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
role RoleEnum
email str

62 - IssueRead class reference


Name Type Description Notes
position [float]
comments CommentsSummary
id int [optional] [readonly]
frame int [optional] [readonly]
job int [optional] [readonly]
owner CloudStorageReadOwner [optional]
assignee CloudStorageReadOwner [optional]
created_date datetime, none_type [optional] [readonly]
updated_date datetime, none_type [optional] [readonly]
resolved bool [optional] [readonly]

63 - IssuesSummary class reference


Name Type Description Notes
url str [optional] [readonly]
count int [optional] [readonly]

64 - IssueWriteRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
frame int
position [float]
job int
message str
assignee int, none_type [optional]
resolved bool [optional]

65 - JobAnnotationsUpdateRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
version int [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of 0
tags [LabeledImageRequest] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []
shapes [LabeledShapeRequest] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []
tracks [LabeledTrackRequest] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []
annotation_file file_type [optional]

66 - JobRead class reference


Name Type Description Notes
issues IssuesSummary
labels LabelsSummary
url str [optional] [readonly]
id int [optional] [readonly]
task_id int [optional] [readonly]
project_id int, none_type [optional] [readonly]
assignee JobReadAssignee [optional]
guide_id int, none_type [optional] [readonly]
dimension str [optional] [readonly]
bug_tracker str, none_type [optional] [readonly]
status bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type [optional] [readonly]
stage bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type [optional] [readonly]
state bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type [optional] [readonly]
mode str [optional] [readonly]
frame_count int [optional] [readonly]
start_frame int [optional] [readonly]
stop_frame int [optional] [readonly]
data_chunk_size int, none_type [optional] [readonly]
data_compressed_chunk_type bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type [optional] [readonly]
data_original_chunk_type bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type [optional] [readonly]
created_date datetime [optional] [readonly]
updated_date datetime [optional] [readonly]
type bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type [optional] [readonly]
organization int, none_type [optional] [readonly]
target_storage JobReadTargetStorage [optional]
source_storage JobReadTargetStorage [optional]
assignee_updated_date datetime, none_type [optional] [readonly]

67 - JobReadAssignee class reference


Name Type Description Notes
username str Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.
url str [optional] [readonly]
id int [optional] [readonly]
first_name str [optional]
last_name str [optional]

68 - JobReadTargetStorage class reference


Name Type Description Notes
id int [optional] [readonly]
location LocationEnum [optional]
cloud_storage_id int, none_type [optional]

69 - JobsSummary class reference


Name Type Description Notes
completed int, none_type
validation int, none_type
count int [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of 0
url str [optional] [readonly]

70 - JobStage class reference

  • `annotation` - ANNOTATION * `validation` - VALIDATION * `acceptance` - ACCEPTANCE


Name Type Description Notes
value str * annotation - ANNOTATION * validation - VALIDATION * acceptance - ACCEPTANCE must be one of [“annotation”, “validation”, “acceptance”, ]

71 - JobStatus class reference

  • `annotation` - ANNOTATION * `validation` - VALIDATION * `completed` - COMPLETED


Name Type Description Notes
value str * annotation - ANNOTATION * validation - VALIDATION * completed - COMPLETED must be one of [“annotation”, “validation”, “completed”, ]

72 - JobType class reference

  • `annotation` - ANNOTATION * `ground_truth` - GROUND_TRUTH


Name Type Description Notes
value str * annotation - ANNOTATION * ground_truth - GROUND_TRUTH must be one of [“annotation”, “ground_truth”, ]

73 - JobValidationLayoutRead class reference


Name Type Description Notes
honeypot_count int [optional]
honeypot_frames [int] The list of frame ids for honeypots in the job [optional]
honeypot_real_frames [int] The list of real (validation) frame ids for honeypots in the job [optional]

74 - JobWriteRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
type JobType
task_id int
assignee int, none_type [optional]
stage JobStage [optional]
state OperationStatus [optional]
frame_selection_method FrameSelectionMethod [optional]
frame_count int The number of frames included in the GT job. Applicable only to the "random_uniform" frame selection method [optional]
frame_share float The share of frames included in the GT job. Applicable only to the "random_uniform" frame selection method [optional]
frames_per_job_count int The number of frames included in the GT job from each annotation job. Applicable only to the "random_per_job" frame selection method [optional]
frames_per_job_share float The share of frames included in the GT job from each annotation job. Applicable only to the "random_per_job" frame selection method [optional]
random_seed int The seed value for the random number generator. The same value will produce the same frame sets. Applicable only to random frame selection methods. By default, a random value is used. [optional]
seed int Deprecated. Use random_seed instead. [optional]
frames [int] The list of frame ids. Applicable only to the "manual" frame selection method [optional]

75 - Label class reference


Name Type Description Notes
name str
id int [optional]
color str The hex value for the RGB color. Will be generated automatically, unless specified explicitly. [optional]
attributes [Attribute] The list of attributes. If you want to remove an attribute, you need to recreate the label and specify the remaining attributes. [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []
type str Associated annotation type for this label [optional]
svg str [optional]
sublabels [Sublabel] [optional]
project_id int, none_type [optional] [readonly]
task_id int, none_type [optional] [readonly]
parent_id int, none_type [optional] [readonly]
has_parent bool [optional] [readonly]

76 - LabeledData class reference


Name Type Description Notes
version int [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of 0
tags [LabeledImage] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []
shapes [LabeledShape] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []
tracks [LabeledTrack] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []

77 - LabeledDataRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
version int [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of 0
tags [LabeledImageRequest] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []
shapes [LabeledShapeRequest] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []
tracks [LabeledTrackRequest] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []

78 - LabeledImage class reference


Name Type Description Notes
frame int
label_id int
id int, none_type [optional]
group int, none_type [optional]
source str [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of “manual”
attributes [AttributeVal] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []

79 - LabeledImageRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
frame int
label_id int
id int, none_type [optional]
group int, none_type [optional]
source str [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of “manual”
attributes [AttributeValRequest] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []

80 - LabeledShape class reference


Name Type Description Notes
type ShapeType
frame int
label_id int
occluded bool [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of False
outside bool [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of False
z_order int [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of 0
rotation float [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of 0.0
points [float] [optional]
id int, none_type [optional]
group int, none_type [optional]
source str [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of “manual”
attributes [AttributeVal] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []
elements [SubLabeledShape] [optional]

81 - LabeledShapeRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
type ShapeType
frame int
label_id int
occluded bool [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of False
outside bool [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of False
z_order int [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of 0
rotation float [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of 0.0
points [float] [optional]
id int, none_type [optional]
group int, none_type [optional]
source str [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of “manual”
attributes [AttributeValRequest] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []
elements [SubLabeledShapeRequest] [optional]

82 - LabeledTrack class reference


Name Type Description Notes
frame int
label_id int
shapes [TrackedShape]
id int, none_type [optional]
group int, none_type [optional]
source str [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of “manual”
attributes [AttributeVal] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []
elements [SubLabeledTrack] [optional]

83 - LabeledTrackRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
frame int
label_id int
shapes [TrackedShapeRequest]
id int, none_type [optional]
group int, none_type [optional]
source str [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of “manual”
attributes [AttributeValRequest] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []
elements [SubLabeledTrackRequest] [optional]

84 - LabelMappingEntryRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
name str
attributes {str: (str,)} [optional]
sublabels {str: (SublabelMappingEntryRequest,)} Label mapping for from the model to the task sublabels within a parent label [optional]

85 - LabelsSummary class reference


Name Type Description Notes
url str [optional] [readonly]

86 - LocationEnum class reference

  • `cloud_storage` - CLOUD_STORAGE * `local` - LOCAL


Name Type Description Notes
value str * cloud_storage - CLOUD_STORAGE * local - LOCAL must be one of [“cloud_storage”, “local”, ]

87 - LoginSerializerExRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
password str
username str [optional]
email str [optional]

88 - MembershipRead class reference


Name Type Description Notes
user BasicUser
id int [optional] [readonly]
organization int [optional] [readonly]
is_active bool [optional] [readonly]
joined_date datetime, none_type [optional] [readonly]
role bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type [optional] [readonly]
invitation str, none_type [optional] [readonly]

89 - MetaUser class reference


Name Type Description Notes
url str [optional] [readonly]
id int [optional] [readonly]
first_name str [optional]
last_name str [optional]
email str [optional]
is_staff bool Designates whether the user can log into this admin site. [optional]
is_superuser bool Designates that this user has all permissions without explicitly assigning them. [optional]
is_active bool Designates whether this user should be treated as active. Unselect this instead of deleting accounts. [optional]
last_login datetime, none_type [optional] [readonly]
date_joined datetime [optional] [readonly]
username str Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. [optional]
groups [str] [optional]

90 - Metric class reference


Name Type Description Notes
name str
title str
description str
default_view DefaultViewEnum
data_series {str: ([DataFrame],)}
transformations [Transformation]
granularity MetricGranularity [optional]

91 - MetricGranularity class reference


Name Type Description Notes

92 - NullEnum class reference


Name Type Description Notes
value str must be one of [“null”, ]

93 - OnlineFunctionCallRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
job int [optional]
task int [optional]

94 - OperationStatus class reference

  • `new` - NEW * `in progress` - IN_PROGRESS * `completed` - COMPLETED * `rejected` - REJECTED


Name Type Description Notes
value str * new - NEW * in progress - IN_PROGRESS * completed - COMPLETED * rejected - REJECTED must be one of [“new”, “in progress”, “completed”, “rejected”, ]

95 - OperatorEnum class reference



Name Type Description Notes
value str * + - ADDITION * - - SUBTRACTION * * - MULTIPLICATION * / - DIVISION must be one of ["+", “-”, “*”, “/”, ]

96 - OrganizationRead class reference


Name Type Description Notes
owner CloudStorageReadOwner
id int [optional] [readonly]
slug str [optional] [readonly]
name str [optional] [readonly]
description str [optional] [readonly]
created_date datetime [optional] [readonly]
updated_date datetime [optional] [readonly]
contact {str: (bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type)} [optional] [readonly]

97 - OrganizationWriteRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
slug str
name str [optional]
description str [optional]
contact {str: (bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type)} [optional]

98 - PaginatedAnnotationConflictList class reference


Name Type Description Notes
count int [optional]
next str, none_type [optional]
previous str, none_type [optional]
results [AnnotationConflict] [optional]

99 - PaginatedCloudStorageReadList class reference


Name Type Description Notes
count int [optional]
next str, none_type [optional]
previous str, none_type [optional]
results [CloudStorageRead] [optional]

100 - PaginatedCommentReadList class reference


Name Type Description Notes
count int [optional]
next str, none_type [optional]
previous str, none_type [optional]
results [CommentRead] [optional]

101 - PaginatedInvitationReadList class reference


Name Type Description Notes
count int [optional]
next str, none_type [optional]
previous str, none_type [optional]
results [InvitationRead] [optional]

102 - PaginatedIssueReadList class reference


Name Type Description Notes
count int [optional]
next str, none_type [optional]
previous str, none_type [optional]
results [IssueRead] [optional]

103 - PaginatedJobReadList class reference


Name Type Description Notes
count int [optional]
next str, none_type [optional]
previous str, none_type [optional]
results [JobRead] [optional]

104 - PaginatedLabelList class reference


Name Type Description Notes
count int [optional]
next str, none_type [optional]
previous str, none_type [optional]
results [Label] [optional]

105 - PaginatedMembershipReadList class reference


Name Type Description Notes
count int [optional]
next str, none_type [optional]
previous str, none_type [optional]
results [MembershipRead] [optional]

106 - PaginatedMetaUserList class reference


Name Type Description Notes
count int [optional]
next str, none_type [optional]
previous str, none_type [optional]
results [MetaUser] [optional]

107 - PaginatedOrganizationReadList class reference


Name Type Description Notes
count int [optional]
next str, none_type [optional]
previous str, none_type [optional]
results [OrganizationRead] [optional]

108 - PaginatedProjectReadList class reference


Name Type Description Notes
count int [optional]
next str, none_type [optional]
previous str, none_type [optional]
results [ProjectRead] [optional]

109 - PaginatedQualityReportList class reference


Name Type Description Notes
count int [optional]
next str, none_type [optional]
previous str, none_type [optional]
results [QualityReport] [optional]

110 - PaginatedQualitySettingsList class reference


Name Type Description Notes
count int [optional]
next str, none_type [optional]
previous str, none_type [optional]
results [QualitySettings] [optional]

111 - PaginatedRequestList class reference


Name Type Description Notes
count int [optional]
next str, none_type [optional]
previous str, none_type [optional]
results [Request] [optional]

112 - PaginatedTaskReadList class reference


Name Type Description Notes
count int [optional]
next str, none_type [optional]
previous str, none_type [optional]
results [TaskRead] [optional]

113 - PaginatedWebhookDeliveryReadList class reference


Name Type Description Notes
count int [optional]
next str, none_type [optional]
previous str, none_type [optional]
results [WebhookDeliveryRead] [optional]

114 - PaginatedWebhookReadList class reference


Name Type Description Notes
count int [optional]
next str, none_type [optional]
previous str, none_type [optional]
results [WebhookRead] [optional]

115 - PasswordChangeRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
old_password str
new_password1 str
new_password2 str

116 - PasswordResetConfirmRequest class reference

Serializer for confirming a password reset attempt.


Name Type Description Notes
new_password1 str
new_password2 str
uid str
token str

117 - PasswordResetSerializerExRequest class reference

Serializer for requesting a password reset e-mail.


Name Type Description Notes
email str

118 - PatchedAnnotationGuideWriteRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
task_id int, none_type [optional]
project_id int, none_type [optional]
markdown str [optional]

119 - PatchedCloudStorageWriteRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
provider_type ProviderTypeEnum [optional]
resource str [optional]
display_name str [optional]
owner BasicUserRequest [optional]
credentials_type CredentialsTypeEnum [optional]
session_token str [optional]
account_name str [optional]
key str [optional]
secret_key str [optional]
connection_string str [optional]
key_file file_type [optional]
specific_attributes str [optional]
description str [optional]
manifests [str] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []

120 - PatchedCommentWriteRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
message str [optional]

121 - PatchedDataMetaWriteRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
deleted_frames [int] [optional]

122 - PatchedInvitationWriteRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
role RoleEnum [optional]
email str [optional]

123 - PatchedIssueWriteRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
position [float] [optional]
assignee int, none_type [optional]
resolved bool [optional]

124 - PatchedJobDataMetaWriteRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
deleted_frames [int] [optional]

125 - PatchedJobValidationLayoutWriteRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
frame_selection_method bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type The method to use for frame selection of new real frames for honeypots in the job * random_uniform - RANDOM_UNIFORM * random_per_job - RANDOM_PER_JOB * manual - MANUAL [optional]
honeypot_real_frames [int] The list of frame ids. Applicable only to the "manual" frame selection method [optional]

126 - PatchedJobWriteRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
assignee int, none_type [optional]
stage JobStage [optional]
state OperationStatus [optional]

127 - PatchedLabeledDataRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
version int [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of 0
tags [LabeledImageRequest] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []
shapes [LabeledShapeRequest] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []
tracks [LabeledTrackRequest] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []

128 - PatchedLabelRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
id int [optional]
name str [optional]
color str The hex value for the RGB color. Will be generated automatically, unless specified explicitly. [optional]
attributes [AttributeRequest] The list of attributes. If you want to remove an attribute, you need to recreate the label and specify the remaining attributes. [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []
deleted bool Delete the label. Only applicable in the PATCH methods of a project or a task. [optional]
type str Associated annotation type for this label [optional]
svg str [optional]
sublabels [SublabelRequest] [optional]

129 - PatchedMembershipWriteRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
role RoleEnum [optional]

130 - PatchedOrganizationWriteRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
slug str [optional]
name str [optional]
description str [optional]
contact {str: (bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type)} [optional]

131 - PatchedProjectWriteRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
name str [optional]
labels [PatchedLabelRequest] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []
owner_id int, none_type [optional]
assignee_id int, none_type [optional]
bug_tracker str [optional]
target_storage PatchedProjectWriteRequestTargetStorage [optional]
source_storage PatchedProjectWriteRequestTargetStorage [optional]

132 - PatchedProjectWriteRequestTargetStorage class reference


Name Type Description Notes
location LocationEnum [optional]
cloud_storage_id int, none_type [optional]

133 - PatchedQualitySettingsRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
target_metric bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type The primary metric used for quality estimation * accuracy - ACCURACY * precision - PRECISION * recall - RECALL [optional]
target_metric_threshold float Defines the minimal quality requirements in terms of the selected target metric. [optional]
max_validations_per_job int The maximum number of job validation attempts for the job assignee. The job can be automatically accepted if the job quality is above the required threshold, defined by the target threshold parameter. [optional]
iou_threshold float Used for distinction between matched / unmatched shapes [optional]
oks_sigma float Like IoU threshold, but for points. The percent of the bbox area, used as the radius of the circle around the GT point, where the checked point is expected to be. Read more: [optional]
line_thickness float Thickness of polylines, relatively to the (image area) ^ 0.5. The distance to the boundary around the GT line, inside of which the checked line points should be [optional]
low_overlap_threshold float Used for distinction between strong / weak (low_overlap) matches [optional]
compare_line_orientation bool Enables or disables polyline orientation comparison [optional]
line_orientation_threshold float The minimal gain in the GT IoU between the given and reversed line directions to consider the line inverted. Only used when the ‘compare_line_orientation’ parameter is true [optional]
compare_groups bool Enables or disables annotation group checks [optional]
group_match_threshold float Minimal IoU for groups to be considered matching. Only used when the ‘compare_groups’ parameter is true [optional]
check_covered_annotations bool Check for partially-covered annotations, useful in segmentation tasks [optional]
object_visibility_threshold float Minimal visible area percent of the spatial annotations (polygons, masks) for reporting covered annotations. Only used when the ‘object_visibility_threshold’ parameter is true [optional]
panoptic_comparison bool Use only the visible part of the masks and polygons in comparisons [optional]
compare_attributes bool Enables or disables annotation attribute comparison [optional]

134 - PatchedTaskValidationLayoutWriteRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
disabled_frames [int] The list of frame ids to be excluded from validation [optional]
frame_selection_method bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type The method to use for frame selection of new real frames for honeypots in the task * random_uniform - RANDOM_UNIFORM * random_per_job - RANDOM_PER_JOB * manual - MANUAL [optional]
honeypot_real_frames [int] The list of frame ids. Applicable only to the "manual" frame selection method [optional]

135 - PatchedTaskWriteRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
name str [optional]
project_id int, none_type [optional]
owner_id int, none_type [optional]
assignee_id int, none_type [optional]
bug_tracker str [optional]
labels [PatchedLabelRequest] [optional]
subset str [optional]
target_storage PatchedTaskWriteRequestTargetStorage [optional]
source_storage PatchedTaskWriteRequestTargetStorage [optional]

136 - PatchedTaskWriteRequestTargetStorage class reference


Name Type Description Notes
location LocationEnum [optional]
cloud_storage_id int, none_type [optional]

137 - PatchedUserRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
username str Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. [optional]
first_name str [optional]
last_name str [optional]
email str [optional]
groups [str] [optional]
is_staff bool Designates whether the user can log into this admin site. [optional]
is_superuser bool Designates that this user has all permissions without explicitly assigning them. [optional]
is_active bool Designates whether this user should be treated as active. Unselect this instead of deleting accounts. [optional]

138 - PatchedWebhookWriteRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
target_url str [optional]
description str [optional]
content_type WebhookContentType [optional]
secret str [optional]
is_active bool [optional]
enable_ssl bool [optional]
events [EventsEnum] [optional]

139 - Plugins class reference


Name Type Description Notes
git_integration bool
analytics bool
models bool
predict bool

140 - ProjectFileRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
project_file file_type

141 - ProjectRead class reference


Name Type Description Notes
tasks TasksSummary
labels LabelsSummary
url str [optional] [readonly]
id int [optional] [readonly]
name str [optional] [readonly]
owner JobReadAssignee [optional]
assignee JobReadAssignee [optional]
guide_id int, none_type [optional]
bug_tracker str [optional] [readonly]
task_subsets [str] [optional] [readonly]
created_date datetime [optional] [readonly]
updated_date datetime [optional] [readonly]
status bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type [optional] [readonly]
dimension str, none_type [optional] [readonly]
organization int, none_type [optional] [readonly]
target_storage ProjectReadTargetStorage [optional]
source_storage ProjectReadTargetStorage [optional]
assignee_updated_date datetime, none_type [optional] [readonly]

142 - ProjectReadTargetStorage class reference


Name Type Description Notes
id int [optional] [readonly]
location LocationEnum [optional]
cloud_storage_id int, none_type [optional]

143 - ProjectWriteRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
name str
labels [PatchedLabelRequest] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []
owner_id int, none_type [optional]
assignee_id int, none_type [optional]
bug_tracker str [optional]
target_storage PatchedProjectWriteRequestTargetStorage [optional]
source_storage PatchedProjectWriteRequestTargetStorage [optional]

144 - ProviderTypeEnum class reference



Name Type Description Notes

145 - QualityEnum class reference

  • `compressed` - compressed * `original` - original


Name Type Description Notes
value str * compressed - compressed * original - original must be one of [“compressed”, “original”, ]

146 - QualityReport class reference


Name Type Description Notes
target QualityReportTarget
summary QualityReportSummary
id int [optional] [readonly]
job_id int, none_type [optional] [readonly]
task_id int, none_type [optional] [readonly]
parent_id int, none_type [optional] [readonly]
created_date datetime [optional] [readonly]
target_last_updated datetime [optional] [readonly]
gt_last_updated datetime [optional] [readonly]
assignee JobReadAssignee [optional]

147 - QualityReportCreateRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
task_id int [optional]

148 - QualityReportSummary class reference


Name Type Description Notes
frame_count int
frame_share float
conflict_count int
warning_count int
error_count int
conflicts_by_type {str: (int,)}
valid_count int
ds_count int
gt_count int
total_count int
accuracy float
precision float
recall float

149 - QualityReportTarget class reference

  • `job` - JOB * `task` - TASK


Name Type Description Notes
value str * job - JOB * task - TASK must be one of [“job”, “task”, ]

150 - QualitySettings class reference


Name Type Description Notes
id int [optional] [readonly]
task_id int [optional] [readonly]
target_metric bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type The primary metric used for quality estimation * accuracy - ACCURACY * precision - PRECISION * recall - RECALL [optional]
target_metric_threshold float Defines the minimal quality requirements in terms of the selected target metric. [optional]
max_validations_per_job int The maximum number of job validation attempts for the job assignee. The job can be automatically accepted if the job quality is above the required threshold, defined by the target threshold parameter. [optional]
iou_threshold float Used for distinction between matched / unmatched shapes [optional]
oks_sigma float Like IoU threshold, but for points. The percent of the bbox area, used as the radius of the circle around the GT point, where the checked point is expected to be. Read more: [optional]
line_thickness float Thickness of polylines, relatively to the (image area) ^ 0.5. The distance to the boundary around the GT line, inside of which the checked line points should be [optional]
low_overlap_threshold float Used for distinction between strong / weak (low_overlap) matches [optional]
compare_line_orientation bool Enables or disables polyline orientation comparison [optional]
line_orientation_threshold float The minimal gain in the GT IoU between the given and reversed line directions to consider the line inverted. Only used when the ‘compare_line_orientation’ parameter is true [optional]
compare_groups bool Enables or disables annotation group checks [optional]
group_match_threshold float Minimal IoU for groups to be considered matching. Only used when the ‘compare_groups’ parameter is true [optional]
check_covered_annotations bool Check for partially-covered annotations, useful in segmentation tasks [optional]
object_visibility_threshold float Minimal visible area percent of the spatial annotations (polygons, masks) for reporting covered annotations. Only used when the ‘object_visibility_threshold’ parameter is true [optional]
panoptic_comparison bool Use only the visible part of the masks and polygons in comparisons [optional]
compare_attributes bool Enables or disables annotation attribute comparison [optional]

151 - RegisterSerializerEx class reference


Name Type Description Notes
username str
email str [optional]
first_name str [optional]
last_name str [optional]
email_verification_required bool [optional] [readonly]
key str, none_type [optional] [readonly]

152 - RegisterSerializerExRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
username str
password1 str
password2 str
email str [optional]
first_name str [optional]
last_name str [optional]

153 - Request class reference


Name Type Description Notes
status RequestStatus
id str
operation RequestDataOperation
created_date datetime
message str [optional] [readonly]
progress float, none_type [optional] [readonly]
started_date datetime, none_type [optional]
finished_date datetime, none_type [optional]
expiry_date datetime, none_type [optional] [readonly]
owner RequestOwner [optional]
result_url str, none_type [optional]
result_id int, none_type [optional]

154 - RequestDataOperation class reference


Name Type Description Notes
type str
target RequestDataOperationTargetEnum
project_id int, none_type [optional]
task_id int, none_type [optional]
job_id int, none_type [optional]
format str, none_type [optional]
function_id str, none_type [optional]

155 - RequestDataOperationTargetEnum class reference

  • `project` - Project * `task` - Task * `job` - Job


Name Type Description Notes
value str * project - Project * task - Task * job - Job must be one of [“project”, “task”, “job”, ]

156 - RequestOwner class reference


Name Type Description Notes
username str Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.
id int [optional] [readonly]

157 - RequestStatus class reference

  • `queued` - Queued * `started` - Started * `failed` - Failed * `finished` - Finished


Name Type Description Notes
value str * queued - Queued * started - Started * failed - Failed * finished - Finished must be one of [“queued”, “started”, “failed”, “finished”, ]

158 - RestAuthDetail class reference


Name Type Description Notes
detail str [optional] [readonly]

159 - RoleEnum class reference

  • `worker` - Worker * `supervisor` - Supervisor * `maintainer` - Maintainer * `owner` - Owner


Name Type Description Notes
value str * worker - Worker * supervisor - Supervisor * maintainer - Maintainer * owner - Owner must be one of [“worker”, “supervisor”, “maintainer”, “owner”, ]

160 - RqId class reference


Name Type Description Notes
rq_id str Request id

161 - RqStatus class reference


Name Type Description Notes
state RqStatusStateEnum
message str [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of ""
progress float [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of 0.0

162 - RqStatusStateEnum class reference

  • `Queued` - Queued * `Started` - Started * `Finished` - Finished * `Failed` - Failed


Name Type Description Notes
value str * Queued - Queued * Started - Started * Finished - Finished * Failed - Failed must be one of [“Queued”, “Started”, “Finished”, “Failed”, ]

163 - SeverityEnum class reference

  • `warning` - WARNING * `error` - ERROR


Name Type Description Notes
value str * warning - WARNING * error - ERROR must be one of [“warning”, “error”, ]

164 - ShapeType class reference

  • `rectangle` - RECTANGLE * `polygon` - POLYGON * `polyline` - POLYLINE * `points` - POINTS * `ellipse` - ELLIPSE * `cuboid` - CUBOID * `mask` - MASK * `skeleton` - SKELETON


Name Type Description Notes
value str * rectangle - RECTANGLE * polygon - POLYGON * polyline - POLYLINE * points - POINTS * ellipse - ELLIPSE * cuboid - CUBOID * mask - MASK * skeleton - SKELETON must be one of [“rectangle”, “polygon”, “polyline”, “points”, “ellipse”, “cuboid”, “mask”, “skeleton”, ]

165 - SigningRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
url str

166 - SortingMethod class reference

  • `lexicographical` - LEXICOGRAPHICAL * `natural` - NATURAL * `predefined` - PREDEFINED * `random` - RANDOM


Name Type Description Notes
value str * lexicographical - LEXICOGRAPHICAL * natural - NATURAL * predefined - PREDEFINED * random - RANDOM must be one of [“lexicographical”, “natural”, “predefined”, “random”, ]

167 - Storage class reference


Name Type Description Notes
id int [optional] [readonly]
location LocationEnum [optional]
cloud_storage_id int, none_type [optional]

168 - StorageMethod class reference

  • `cache` - CACHE * `file_system` - FILE_SYSTEM


Name Type Description Notes
value str * cache - CACHE * file_system - FILE_SYSTEM must be one of [“cache”, “file_system”, ]

169 - StorageRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
location LocationEnum [optional]
cloud_storage_id int, none_type [optional]

170 - StorageType class reference

  • `cloud_storage` - CLOUD_STORAGE * `local` - LOCAL * `share` - SHARE


Name Type Description Notes
value str * cloud_storage - CLOUD_STORAGE * local - LOCAL * share - SHARE must be one of [“cloud_storage”, “local”, “share”, ]

171 - Sublabel class reference


Name Type Description Notes
name str
id int [optional]
color str The hex value for the RGB color. Will be generated automatically, unless specified explicitly. [optional]
attributes [Attribute] The list of attributes. If you want to remove an attribute, you need to recreate the label and specify the remaining attributes. [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []
type str Associated annotation type for this label [optional]
has_parent bool [optional]

172 - SubLabeledShape class reference


Name Type Description Notes
type ShapeType
frame int
label_id int
occluded bool [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of False
outside bool [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of False
z_order int [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of 0
rotation float [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of 0.0
points [float] [optional]
id int, none_type [optional]
group int, none_type [optional]
source str [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of “manual”
attributes [AttributeVal] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []

173 - SubLabeledShapeRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
type ShapeType
frame int
label_id int
occluded bool [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of False
outside bool [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of False
z_order int [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of 0
rotation float [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of 0.0
points [float] [optional]
id int, none_type [optional]
group int, none_type [optional]
source str [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of “manual”
attributes [AttributeValRequest] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []

174 - SubLabeledTrack class reference


Name Type Description Notes
frame int
label_id int
shapes [TrackedShape]
id int, none_type [optional]
group int, none_type [optional]
source str [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of “manual”
attributes [AttributeVal] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []

175 - SubLabeledTrackRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
frame int
label_id int
shapes [TrackedShapeRequest]
id int, none_type [optional]
group int, none_type [optional]
source str [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of “manual”
attributes [AttributeValRequest] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []

176 - SublabelMappingEntryRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
name str
attributes {str: (str,)} [optional]

177 - SublabelRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
name str
id int [optional]
color str The hex value for the RGB color. Will be generated automatically, unless specified explicitly. [optional]
attributes [AttributeRequest] The list of attributes. If you want to remove an attribute, you need to recreate the label and specify the remaining attributes. [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []
type str Associated annotation type for this label [optional]
has_parent bool [optional]

178 - TargetMetricEnum class reference

  • `accuracy` - ACCURACY * `precision` - PRECISION * `recall` - RECALL


Name Type Description Notes
value str * accuracy - ACCURACY * precision - PRECISION * recall - RECALL must be one of [“accuracy”, “precision”, “recall”, ]

179 - TaskAnnotationsUpdateRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
version int [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of 0
tags [LabeledImageRequest] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []
shapes [LabeledShapeRequest] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []
tracks [LabeledTrackRequest] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []
annotation_file file_type [optional]

180 - TaskAnnotationsWriteRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
annotation_file file_type [optional]

181 - TaskFileRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
task_file file_type

182 - TaskRead class reference


Name Type Description Notes
jobs JobsSummary
labels LabelsSummary
url str [optional] [readonly]
id int [optional] [readonly]
name str [optional] [readonly]
project_id int, none_type [optional]
mode str [optional] [readonly]
owner CloudStorageReadOwner [optional]
assignee CloudStorageReadOwner [optional]
bug_tracker str [optional] [readonly]
created_date datetime [optional] [readonly]
updated_date datetime [optional] [readonly]
overlap int, none_type [optional] [readonly]
segment_size int [optional] [readonly]
status bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type [optional] [readonly]
data_chunk_size int, none_type [optional] [readonly]
data_compressed_chunk_type bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type [optional] [readonly]
guide_id int, none_type [optional]
data_original_chunk_type bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type [optional] [readonly]
size int [optional] [readonly]
image_quality int [optional] [readonly]
data int [optional] [readonly]
dimension str [optional]
subset str [optional] [readonly]
organization int, none_type [optional] [readonly]
target_storage JobReadTargetStorage [optional]
source_storage JobReadTargetStorage [optional]
assignee_updated_date datetime, none_type [optional] [readonly]
validation_mode str, none_type Describes how the task validation is performed. Configured at task creation [optional]

183 - TasksSummary class reference


Name Type Description Notes
count int [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of 0
url str [optional] [readonly]

184 - TaskValidationLayoutRead class reference


Name Type Description Notes
mode TaskValidationLayoutReadMode [optional]
frames_per_job_count int, none_type [optional] [readonly]
validation_frames [int] The list of frame ids to be used for validation [optional]
disabled_frames [int] The list of frame ids excluded from validation [optional]
honeypot_count int [optional]
honeypot_frames [int] The list of frame ids for all honeypots in the task [optional]
honeypot_real_frames [int] The list of real (validation) frame ids for all honeypots in the task [optional]

185 - TaskValidationLayoutReadMode class reference


Name Type Description Notes

186 - TaskWriteRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
name str
project_id int, none_type [optional]
owner_id int, none_type [optional]
assignee_id int, none_type [optional]
bug_tracker str [optional]
overlap int, none_type [optional]
segment_size int [optional]
labels [PatchedLabelRequest] [optional]
subset str [optional]
target_storage PatchedTaskWriteRequestTargetStorage [optional]
source_storage PatchedTaskWriteRequestTargetStorage [optional]

187 - Token class reference

Serializer for Token model.


Name Type Description Notes
key str

188 - TrackedShape class reference


Name Type Description Notes
type ShapeType
frame int
occluded bool [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of False
outside bool [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of False
z_order int [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of 0
rotation float [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of 0.0
points [float] [optional]
id int, none_type [optional]
attributes [AttributeVal] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []

189 - TrackedShapeRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
type ShapeType
frame int
occluded bool [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of False
outside bool [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of False
z_order int [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of 0
rotation float [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of 0.0
points [float] [optional]
id int, none_type [optional]
attributes [AttributeValRequest] [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of []

190 - Transformation class reference


Name Type Description Notes
name str
binary TransformationBinary [optional]

191 - TransformationBinary class reference


Name Type Description Notes
operator OperatorEnum
left str, none_type The name of the data series used as the left (first) operand of the binary operation. [optional]
right str, none_type The name of the data series used as the right (second) operand of the binary operation. [optional]

192 - User class reference


Name Type Description Notes
username str Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.
groups [str]
url str [optional] [readonly]
id int [optional] [readonly]
first_name str [optional]
last_name str [optional]
email str [optional]
is_staff bool Designates whether the user can log into this admin site. [optional]
is_superuser bool Designates that this user has all permissions without explicitly assigning them. [optional]
is_active bool Designates whether this user should be treated as active. Unselect this instead of deleting accounts. [optional]
last_login datetime, none_type [optional] [readonly]
date_joined datetime [optional] [readonly]

193 - UserIdentifiers class reference


Name Type Description Notes
username str Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.
id int [optional] [readonly]

194 - ValidationMode class reference

  • `gt` - GT * `gt_pool` - GT_POOL


Name Type Description Notes
value str * gt - GT * gt_pool - GT_POOL must be one of [“gt”, “gt_pool”, ]

195 - ValidationParamsRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
mode ValidationMode
frame_selection_method FrameSelectionMethod
random_seed int The seed value for the random number generator. The same value will produce the same frame sets. Applicable only to random frame selection methods. By default, a random value is used. [optional]
frames [str] The list of file names to be included in the validation set. Applicable only to the "manual" frame selection method. Can only be used for images. [optional]
frame_count int The number of frames to be included in the validation set. Applicable only to the "random_uniform" frame selection method [optional]
frame_share float The share of frames to be included in the validation set. Applicable only to the "random_uniform" frame selection method [optional]
frames_per_job_count int The number of frames to be included in the validation set from each annotation job. Applicable only to the "random_per_job" frame selection method [optional]
frames_per_job_share float The share of frames to be included in the validation set from each annotation job. Applicable only to the "random_per_job" frame selection method [optional]

196 - WebhookContentType class reference

  • `application/json` - JSON


Name Type Description Notes
value str * application/json - JSON defaults to “application/json”, must be one of [“application/json”, ]

197 - WebhookDeliveryRead class reference


Name Type Description Notes
id int [optional] [readonly]
webhook_id int [optional] [readonly]
event str [optional] [readonly]
status_code int, none_type [optional] [readonly]
redelivery bool [optional] [readonly]
created_date datetime [optional] [readonly]
updated_date datetime [optional] [readonly]
changed_fields str [optional] [readonly]
request {str: (bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type)} [optional] [readonly]
response {str: (bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type)} [optional] [readonly]

198 - WebhookRead class reference


Name Type Description Notes
type WebhookType
content_type WebhookContentType
id int [optional] [readonly]
url str [optional] [readonly]
target_url str [optional] [readonly]
description str [optional] [readonly]
is_active bool [optional] [readonly]
enable_ssl bool [optional] [readonly]
created_date datetime [optional] [readonly]
updated_date datetime [optional] [readonly]
owner JobReadAssignee [optional]
project_id int, none_type [optional]
organization int, none_type [optional] [readonly]
events [EventsEnum] [optional] [readonly]
last_status int [optional] [readonly]
last_delivery_date datetime [optional] [readonly]

199 - WebhookType class reference

  • `organization` - ORGANIZATION * `project` - PROJECT


Name Type Description Notes
value str * organization - ORGANIZATION * project - PROJECT must be one of [“organization”, “project”, ]

200 - WebhookWriteRequest class reference


Name Type Description Notes
target_url str
type WebhookType
events [EventsEnum]
description str [optional]
content_type WebhookContentType [optional]
secret str [optional]
is_active bool [optional]
enable_ssl bool [optional]
project_id int, none_type [optional]