Command line interface (CLI)


A simple command line interface for working with CVAT tasks. At the moment it implements a basic feature set but may serve as the starting point for a more comprehensive CVAT administration tool in the future.

Overview of functionality:

  • Create a new task (supports name, bug tracker, project, labels JSON, local/share/remote files)
  • Delete tasks (supports deleting a list of task IDs)
  • List all tasks (supports basic CSV or JSON output)
  • Download JPEG frames (supports a list of frame IDs)
  • Dump annotations (supports all formats via format string)
  • Upload annotations for a task in the specified format (e.g. ‘YOLO ZIP 1.0’)
  • Export and download a whole task
  • Import a task


To install an official release of CVAT CLI, use this command:

pip install cvat-cli

We support Python versions 3.7 - 3.9.


You can get help with cvat-cli --help.

usage: cvat-cli [-h] [--version] [--insecure] [--auth USER:[PASS]] [--server-host SERVER_HOST]
                [--server-port SERVER_PORT] [--organization SLUG] [--debug]
                {create,delete,ls,frames,dump,upload,export,import} ...

Perform common operations related to CVAT tasks.

positional arguments:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --insecure            Allows to disable SSL certificate check
  --auth USER:[PASS]    defaults to the current user and supports the PASS environment variable or password
                        prompt (default user: ...).
  --server-host SERVER_HOST
                        host (default: localhost)
  --server-port SERVER_PORT
                        port (default: 80 for http and 443 for https connections)
  --organization SLUG, --org SLUG
                        short name (slug) of the organization to use when listing or creating resources; set
                        to blank string to use the personal workspace (default: list all accessible objects,
                        create in personal workspace)
  --debug               show debug output

You can get help for each positional argument, e.g. ls:

cvat-cli ls -h
usage: cvat-cli ls [-h] [--json]

List all CVAT tasks in simple or JSON format.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --json      output JSON data



Description of the options you can find in Creating an annotation task section.

For create a task you need file contain labels in the json format, you can create a JSON label specification by using the label constructor.

Example JSON labels file
        "name": "cat",
        "attributes": []
        "name": "dog",
        "attributes": []

  • Create a task named “new task” on the default server “localhost:8080”, labels from the file “labels.json” and local images “file1.jpg” and “file2.jpg”, the task will be created as current user:
    cvat-cli create "new task" --labels labels.json local file1.jpg file2.jpg
  • Create a task named “task 1” on the server “” labels from the file “labels.json” and local image “image1.jpg”, the task will be created as user “user-1”:
    cvat-cli --server-host --auth user-1 create "task 1" \
    --labels labels.json local image1.jpg
  • Create a task named “task 1” on the default server, with labels from “labels.json” and local image “file1.jpg”, as the current user, in organization “myorg”:
    cvat-cli --org myorg create "task 1" --labels labels.json local file1.jpg
  • Create a task named “task 1”, labels from the project with id 1 and with a remote video file, the task will be created as user “user-1”:
    cvat-cli --auth user-1:password create "task 1" --project_id 1 \
  • Create a task named “task 1 sort random”, with labels “cat” and “dog”, with chunk size 8, with sorting-method random, frame step 10, copy the data on the CVAT server, with use zip chunks and the video file will be taken from the shared resource:
    cvat-cli create "task 1 sort random" --labels '[{"name": "cat"},{"name": "dog"}]' --chunk_size 8 \
    --sorting-method random --frame_step 10 --copy_data --use_zip_chunks share //share/dataset_1/video.avi
  • Create a task named “task from dataset_1”, labels from the file “labels.json”, with link to bug tracker, image quality will be reduced to 75, annotation in the format “CVAT 1.1” will be taken from the file “annotation.xml”, the data will be loaded from “dataset_1/images/”, the task will be created as user “user-2”, and the password will need to be entered additionally:
    cvat-cli --auth user-2 create "task from dataset_1" --labels labels.json \
    --bug_tracker --image_quality 75 --annotation_path annotation.xml \
    --annotation_format "CVAT 1.1" local dataset_1/images/
  • Create a task named “segmented task 1”, labels from the file “labels.json”, with overlay size 5, segment size 100, with frames 5 through 705, using cache and with a remote video file:
    cvat-cli create "segmented task 1" --labels labels.json --overlap 5 --segment_size 100 \
    --start_frame 5 --stop_frame 705 --use_cache \
  • Create a task named “task 1 with sync annotation”, with label “person”, with annotation storage in git repository, enable lfs and the image files from the shared resource:
    cvat-cli create "task 1 with sync annotation" --labels '[{"name": "person"}]' \
    --dataset_repository_url \
    --lfs share //share/large_dataset/images/
  • Create a task named “task with filtered cloud storage data”, with filename_pattern test_images/*.jpeg and using the data from the cloud storage resource described in the manifest.jsonl:
    cvat-cli create "task with filtered cloud storage data" --labels '[{"name": "car"}]'\
    --use_cache --cloud_storage_id 1 --filename_pattern "test_images/*.jpeg" share manifest.jsonl
  • Create a task named “task with filtered cloud storage data” using all data from the cloud storage resource described in the manifest.jsonl by specifying filename_pattern *:
    cvat-cli create "task with filtered cloud storage data" --labels '[{"name": "car"}]'\
    --use_cache --cloud_storage_id 1 --filename_pattern "*" share manifest.jsonl


  • Delete tasks with id “100”, “101”, “102” , the command will be executed from “user-1” having delete permissions:
    cvat-cli --auth user-1:password delete 100 101 102


  • List all tasks:
    cvat-cli ls
  • List all tasks in organization “myorg”:
    cvat-cli --org myorg ls
  • Save list of all tasks into file “list_of_tasks.json”:
    cvat-cli ls --json > list_of_tasks.json


  • Save frame 12, 15, 22 from task with id 119, into “images” folder with compressed quality:
    cvat-cli frames --outdir images --quality compressed 119 12 15 22

Dump annotation

  • Dump annotation task with id 103, in the format CVAT for images 1.1 and save to the file “”:
    cvat-cli dump --format "CVAT for images 1.1" 103
  • Dump annotation task with id 104, in the format COCO 1.0 and save to the file “”:
    cvat-cli dump --format "COCO 1.0" 104

Upload annotation

  • Upload annotation into task with id 105, in the format CVAT 1.1 from the file “annotation.xml”:
    cvat-cli upload --format "CVAT 1.1" 105 annotation.xml

Export task

  • Export task with id 136 to file “”:
    cvat-cli export 136


  • Import task from file “”:
    cvat-cli import