
VGGFace2 export

Downloaded file: a zip archive of the following structure:
├── labels.txt # optional
├── <any_subset_name>/
|   ├── label0/
|   |   └── image1.jpg
|   └── label1/
|       └── image2.jpg
└── bb_landmark/
    ├── loose_bb_<any_subset_name>.csv
    └── loose_landmark_<any_subset_name>.csv
# labels.txt
# n000001 car
label0 <class0>
label1 <class1>
  • supported annotations: Rectangles, Points (landmarks - groups of 5 points)

VGGFace2 import

Uploaded file: a zip archive of the structure above

  • supported annotations: Rectangles, Points (landmarks - groups of 5 points)