WIDER Face export

Downloaded file: a zip archive of the following structure:

├── labels.txt # optional
├── wider_face_split/
│   └── wider_face_<any_subset_name>_bbx_gt.txt
└── WIDER_<any_subset_name>/
    └── images/
        ├── 0--label0/
        │   └── 0_label0_image1.jpg
        └── 1--label1/
            └── 1_label1_image2.jpg
  • supported annotations: Rectangles (with attributes), Labels
  • supported attributes:
    • blur, expression, illumination, pose, invalid
    • occluded (both the annotation property & an attribute)

WIDER Face import

Uploaded file: a zip archive of the structure above

  • supported annotations: Rectangles (with attributes), Labels
  • supported attributes:
    • blur, expression, illumination, occluded, pose, invalid