Getting started

This section contains basic information and links to sections necessary for a quick start.


First step is to install CVAT on your system:

To learn how to create a superuser and log in to CVAT, go to the authorization section.

Getting started in CVAT

To create a task, go to Tasks section. Click Create new task to go to the task creation page.

Set the name of the future task.

Set the label using the constructor: first click Add label, then enter the name of the label and choose the color.

You need to upload images or videos for your future annotation. To do so, simply drag and drop the files.

To learn more, go to creating an annotation task



When the task is created, you will see a corresponding message in the top right corner. Click the Open task button to go to the task page.

Once on the task page, open a link to the job in the jobs list.

Choose a correct section for your type of the task and start annotation.

Shape Annotation Interpolation
Rectangle Shape mode (basics) Track mode (basics)
Polygon Annotation with polygons Track mode with polygons
Polyline Annotation with polylines
Points Points in shape mode Liner interpolation with one point
Cuboids Annotation with cuboids Editing the cuboid
Tag Annotation with tags


In CVAT there is the possibility of using automatic and semi-automatic annotation what gives you the opportunity to speed up the execution of the annotation:

Dump annotation

  1. To download the annotations, first you have to save all changes. Click the Save button or press Ctrl+Sto save annotations quickly.

  2. After you saved the changes, click the Menu button.

  3. Then click the Dump Annotation button.

  4. Lastly choose a format of the dump annotation file.

To learn more, go to downloading annotations