Running tests

Instructions on how to run all existence tests.

E2E tests

Initial steps:

  1. Run CVAT instance:
    docker-compose \
              -f docker-compose.yml \
              -f \
              -f components/serverless/docker-compose.serverless.yml \
              -f tests/docker-compose.file_share.yml up -d
  2. Add test user in CVAT:
    docker exec -i cvat_server \
              /bin/bash -c \
              "echo \"from django.contrib.auth.models import User; User.objects.create_superuser('admin', '', '12qwaszx')\" | python3 ~/ shell"
  3. Install npm dependencies:
    cd tests
    yarn --frozen-lockfile

Running tests

yarn run cypress:run:chrome
yarn run cypress:run:chrome:canvas3d

REST API, SDK and CLI tests

Initial steps

  1. Install all necessary requirements before running REST API tests:
    pip install -r ./tests/python/requirements.txt

Running tests

Run all REST API tests:

pytest ./tests/python

This command will automatically start all necessary docker containers.

If you want to start/stop these containers without running tests use special options for it:

pytest ./tests/python --start-services
pytest ./tests/python --stop-services

If you need to rebuild your CVAT images add --rebuild option:

pytest ./tests/python --rebuild

Unit tests

Initial steps

  1. Install necessary Python dependencies:
    pip install -r cvat/requirements/testing.txt
  2. Install npm dependencies:
    yarn --frozen-lockfile
  3. Run CVAT instance
    docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up -d

Running tests

  1. Python tests
    python test --settings cvat.settings.testing cvat/apps utils/cli
  2. JS tests
    cd cvat-core
    yarn run test