Tasks page

Overview of the Tasks page.

The tasks page contains elements and each of them relates to a separate task. They are sorted in creation order. Each element contains: task name, preview, progress bar, button Open, and menu Actions. Each button is responsible for a in menu Actions specific function:

  • Export task dataset — download annotations or annotations and images in a specific format. More information is available in the export/import datasets section.
  • Upload annotation upload annotations in a specific format. More information is available in the export/import datasets section.
  • Automatic Annotation — automatic annotation with OpenVINO toolkit. Presence depends on how you build the CVAT instance.
  • Backup task — make a backup of this task into a zip archive. Read more in the backup section.
  • Move to project — Moving a task to a project (can be used to move a task from one project to another). Note that attributes reset during the moving process. In case of label mismatch, you can create or delete necessary labels in the project/task. Some task labels can be matched with the target project labels.
  • Delete — delete task.

In the upper left corner there is a search bar, using which you can find the task by assignee, task name etc. In the upper right corner there are sorting, quick filters and filter.


Applying filter disables the quick filter.

The filter works similarly to the filters for annotation, you can create rules from properties, operators and values and group rules into groups. For more details, see the filter section. Learn more about date and time selection.

For clear all filters press Clear filters.

Supported properties for tasks list

Properties Supported values Description
Dimension 2D or 3D Depends on the data format
(read more in creating an annotation task)
Status annotation, validation or completed
Data video, images Depends on the data format
(read more in creating an annotation task)
Subset test, train, validation or custom subset [read more] [subset]
Assignee username Assignee is the user who is working on the project, task or job.
(is specified on task page)
Owner username The user who owns the project, task, or job
Last updated last modified date and time (or value range) The date can be entered in the dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm format
or by selecting the date in the window that appears
when you click on the input field
ID number or range of job ID
Project ID number or range of project ID
Name name On the tasks page - name of the task,
on the project page - name of the project
Project name project name Specified when creating a project,
can be changed on the (project section)

Push Open button to go to task details.