Social auth configuration
Note: This is a paid feature available for Enterprise clients.
You can now easily set up authentication with popular social services, which opens doors to such benefits as:
- Convenience: you can use the existing social service credentials to sign in to CVAT.
- Time-saving: with just two clicks, you can sign in without the hassle of typing in сredentials, saving time and effort.
- Security: social auth service providers have high-level security measures in place to protect your accounts.
Currently, we offer three options:
- Authentication with Github.
- Authentication with Google.
- Authentication with Amazon Cognito.
With more to come soon. Stay tuned!
- Enable authentication with a Google account
- Enable authentication with a GitHub account
- Enable authentication with an Amazon Cognito
Enable authentication with a Google account
To enable authentication, do the following:
Log in to the Google Cloud console
Create a project, and go to APIs & Services
On the left menu, select OAuth consent, then select User type (Internal or External), and click Create.
On the OAuth consent screen fill all required fields, and click Save and Continue.
On the Scopes screen, click Add or remove scopes and select
, andopenid
. Click Update, and Save and Continue.
For more information, see Configure Auth Consent. -
On the left menu, click Credentials, on the top menu click + Create credentials, and select OAuth client ID.
From the Application Type select Web application and configure: Application name, Authorized JavaScript origins, Authorized redirect URIs.
For example, if you plan to deploy CVAT instance onhttps://localhost:8080
, addhttps://localhost:8080
to authorized JS origins andhttps://localhost:8080/api/auth/social/goolge/login/callback/
to redirect URIs. -
Create conпiguration file in CVAT:
- Create the
file with the following content:
- Set
environment variable.
- Create the
In a terminal, run the following command:
Enable authentication with a GitHub account
There are 2 basic steps to enable GitHub account authentication.
Open the GitHub settings page.
On the left menu, click <> Developer settings > OAuth Apps > Register new application.
For more information, see Creating an OAuth App -
Fill in the name field, set the homepage URL (for example:
), and authentication callback URL (for example:https://localhost:8080/api/auth/social/github/login/callback/
). -
Create conпiguration file in CVAT:
- Create the
file with the following content:
- Set
environment variable.
- Create the
In a terminal, run the following command:
Note: You can also configure GitHub App, but don’t forget to add required permissions.
In the Permission > Account permissions > Email addresses must be set to read-only.
Enable authentication with an Amazon Cognito
To enable authentication, do the following:
Create a user pool. For more information, see Amazon Cognito user pools
Fill in the name field, set the homepage URL (for example:
), and authentication callback URL (for example:https://localhost:8080/api/auth/social/amazon-cognito/login/callback/
). -
Create conпiguration file in CVAT:
- Create the
file with the following content:
- Set
environment variable.
- Create the
In a terminal, run the following command: