OpenCV and AI Tools

Overview of semi-automatic and automatic annotation tools available in CVAT.

Label and annotate your data in semi-automatic and automatic mode with the help of AI and OpenCV tools.

While interpolation is good for annotation of the videos made by the security cameras, AI and OpenCV tools are good for both: videos where the camera is stable and videos, where it moves together with the object, or movements of the object are chaotic.



Interactors are a part of AI and OpenCV tools.

Use interactors to label objects in images by creating a polygon semi-automatically.

When creating a polygon, you can use positive points or negative points (for some models):

  • Positive points define the area in which the object is located.
  • Negative points define the area in which the object is not located.

AI tools: annotate with interactors

To annotate with interactors, do the following:

  1. Click Magic wand Magic wand, and go to the Interactors tab.
  2. From the Label drop-down, select a label for the polygon.
  3. From the Interactor drop-down, select a model (see Interactors models).
    Click the Question mark to see information about each model:
  4. (Optional) If the model returns masks, and you need to convert masks to polygons, use the Convert masks to polygons toggle.
  5. Click Interact.
  6. Use the left click to add positive points and the right click to add negative points.
    Number of points you can add depends on the model.
  7. On the top menu, click Done (or Shift+N, N).

AI tools: add extra points

Note: More points improve outline accuracy, but make shape editing harder. Fewer points make shape editing easier, but reduce outline accuracy.

Each model has a minimum required number of points for annotation. Once the required number of points is reached, the request is automatically sent to the server. The server processes the request and adds a polygon to the frame.

For a more accurate outline, postpone request to finish adding extra points first:

  1. Hold down the Ctrl key.
    On the top panel, the Block button will turn blue.
  2. Add points to the image.
  3. Release the Ctrl key, when ready.

In case you used Mask to polygon when the object is finished, you can edit it like a polygon.

You can change the number of points in the polygon with the slider:

AI tools: delete points

To delete a point, do the following:

  1. With the cursor, hover over the point you want to delete.
  2. If the point can be deleted, it will enlarge and the cursor will turn into a cross.
  3. Left-click on the point.

OpenCV: intelligent scissors

To use Intelligent scissors, do the following:

  1. On the menu toolbar, click OpenCVOpenCV and wait for the library to load.

  2. Go to the Drawing tab, select the label, and click on the Intelligent scissors button.

  3. Add the first point on the boundary of the allocated object.
    You will see a line repeating the outline of the object.

  4. Add the second point, so that the previous point is within the restrictive threshold.
    After that a line repeating the object boundary will be automatically created between the points.

  5. To finish placing points, on the top menu click Done (or N on the keyboard).

As a result, a polygon will be created.

You can change the number of points in the polygon with the slider:

To increase or lower the action threshold, hold Ctrl and scroll the mouse wheel.

During the drawing process, you can remove the last point by clicking on it with the left mouse button.


Interactors models

Model Tool Description Example
Segment Anything Model (SAM) AI Tools The Segment Anything Model (SAM) produces high
quality object masks, and it can be used to generate
masks for all objects in an image. It has been trained
on a dataset of 11 million images and
1.1 billion masks, and has strong zero-shot performance on a variety of segmentation tasks.

For more information, see:
  • GitHub: Segment Anything
  • Site: Segment Anything
  • Paper: Segment Anything
  • Deep extreme
    cut (DEXTR)
    AI Tool This is an optimized version of the original model,
    introduced at the end of 2017. It uses the
    information about extreme points of an object
    to get its mask. The mask is then converted to a polygon.
    For now this is the fastest interactor on the CPU.

    For more information, see:
  • GitHub: DEXTR-PyTorch
  • Site: DEXTR-PyTorch
  • Paper: DEXTR-PyTorch
  • Feature backpropagating
    scheme (f-BRS)
    AI Tool The model allows to get a mask for an
    object using positive points (should be
    left-clicked on the foreground),
    and negative points (should be right-clicked
    on the background, if necessary).
    It is recommended to run the model on GPU,
    if possible.

    For more information, see:
  • GitHub: f-BRS
  • Paper: f-BRS
  • High Resolution
    Net (HRNet)
    AI Tool The model allows to get a mask for
    an object using positive points (should
    be left-clicked on the foreground),
    and negative points (should be
    right-clicked on the background,
    if necessary).
    It is recommended to run the model on GPU,
    if possible.

    For more information, see:
  • GitHub: HRNet
  • Paper: HRNet
  • Inside-Outside-Guidance
    AI Tool The model uses a bounding box and
    inside/outside points to create a mask.
    First of all, you need to create a bounding
    box, wrapping the object.
    Then you need to use positive
    and negative points to say the
    model where is
    a foreground, and where is a background.
    Negative points are optional.

    For more information, see:
  • GitHub: IOG
  • Paper: IOG
  • Intelligent scissors OpenCV Intelligent scissors is a CV method of creating
    a polygon by placing points with the automatic
    drawing of a line between them. The distance
    between the adjacent points is limited by
    the threshold of action, displayed as a
    red square that is tied to the cursor.

    For more information, see:
  • Site: Intelligent Scissors Specification
  • int scissors


    Detectors are a part of AI tools.

    Use detectors to automatically identify and locate objects in images or videos.

    Labels matching

    Each model is trained on a dataset and supports only the dataset’s labels.

    For example:

    • DL model has the label car.
    • Your task (or project) has the label vehicle.

    To annotate, you need to match these two labels to give DL model a hint, that in this case car = vehicle.

    If you have a label that is not on the list of DL labels, you will not be able to match them.

    For this reason, supported DL models are suitable only for certain labels.
    To check the list of labels for each model, see Detectors models.

    Annotate with detectors

    To annotate with detectors, do the following:

    1. Click Magic wand Magic wand, and go to the Detectors tab.

    2. From the Model drop-down, select model (see Detectors models).

    3. From the left drop-down select the DL model label, from the right drop-down select the matching label of your task.

    4. (Optional) If the model returns masks, and you need to convert masks to polygons, use the Convert masks to polygons toggle.

    5. (Optional) You can specify a Threshold for the model. If not provided, the default value from the model settings will be used.

    6. Click Annotate.

    This action will automatically annotate one frame. For automatic annotation of multiple frames, see Automatic annotation.

    Detectors models

    Model Description
    Mask RCNN The model generates polygons for each instance of an object in the image.

    For more information, see:
  • GitHub: Mask RCNN
  • Paper: Mask RCNN
  • Faster RCNN The model generates bounding boxes for each instance of an object in the image.
    In this model, RPN and Fast R-CNN are combined into a single network.

    For more information, see:
  • GitHub: Faster RCNN
  • Paper: Faster RCNN
  • YOLO v3 YOLO v3 is a family of object detection architectures and models pre-trained on the COCO dataset.

    For more information, see:
  • GitHub: YOLO v3
  • Site: YOLO v3
  • Paper: YOLO v3
  • Semantic segmentation for ADAS This is a segmentation network to classify each pixel into 20 classes.

    For more information, see:
  • Site: ADAS
  • Faster RCNN with Tensorflow Faster RCNN version with Tensorflow. The model generates bounding boxes for each instance of an object in the image.
    In this model, RPN and Fast R-CNN are combined into a single network.

    For more information, see:
  • Site: Faster RCNN with Tensorflow
  • Paper: Faster RCNN
  • RetinaNet Pytorch implementation of RetinaNet object detection.

    For more information, see:
  • Specification: RetinaNet
  • Paper: RetinaNet
  • Documentation: RetinaNet
  • Face Detection Face detector based on MobileNetV2 as a backbone for indoor and outdoor scenes shot by a front-facing camera.

    For more information, see:
  • Site: Face Detection 0205
  • Trackers

    Trackers are part of AI and OpenCV tools.

    Use trackers to identify and label objects in a video or image sequence that are moving or changing over time.

    AI tools: annotate with trackers

    To annotate with trackers, do the following:

    1. Click Magic wand Magic wand, and go to the Trackers tab.

      Start tracking an object

    2. From the Label drop-down, select the label for the object.

    3. From Tracker drop-down, select tracker.

    4. Click Track, and annotate the objects with the bounding box in the first frame.

    5. Go to the top menu and click Next (or the F on the keyboard) to move to the next frame.
      All annotated objects will be automatically tracked.

    OpenCV: annotate with trackers

    To annotate with trackers, do the following:

    1. On the menu toolbar, click OpenCVOpenCV and wait for the library to load.

    2. Go to the Tracker tab, select the label, and click Tracking.

      Start tracking an object

    3. From the Label drop-down, select the label for the object.

    4. From Tracker drop-down, select tracker.

    5. Click Track.

    6. To move to the next frame, on the top menu click the Next button (or F on the keyboard).

    All annotated objects will be automatically tracked when you move to the next frame.

    When tracking

    • To enable/disable tracking, use Tracker switcher on the sidebar.

      Tracker switcher

    • Trackable objects have an indication on canvas with a model name.

      Tracker indication

    • You can follow the tracking by the messages appearing at the top.

      Tracker pop-up window

    Trackers models

    Model Tool Description Example
    TrackerMIL OpenCV TrackerMIL model is not bound to
    labels and can be used for any
    object. It is a fast client-side model
    designed to track simple non-overlapping objects.

    For more information, see:
  • Article: Object Tracking using OpenCV
  • Annotation using a tracker
    SiamMask AI Tools Fast online Object Tracking and Segmentation. The trackable object will
    be tracked automatically if the previous frame
    was the latest keyframe for the object.

    For more information, see:
  • GitHub: SiamMask
  • Paper: SiamMask
  • Annotation using a tracker
    Transformer Tracking (TransT) AI Tools Simple and efficient online tool for object tracking and segmentation.
    If the previous frame was the latest keyframe
    for the object, the trackable object will be tracked automatically.
    This is a modified version of the PyTracking
    Python framework based on Pytorch

    For more information, see:
  • GitHub: TransT
  • Paper: TransT
  • Annotation using a tracker

    OpenCV: histogram equalization

    Histogram equalization improves the contrast by stretching the intensity range.

    It increases the global contrast of images when its usable data is represented by close contrast values.

    It is useful in images with backgrounds and foregrounds that are bright or dark.

    To improve the contrast of the image, do the following:

    1. In the OpenCV menu, go to the Image tab.
    2. Click on Histogram equalization button.

    Histogram equalization will improve contrast on current and following frames.

    Example of the result:

    To disable Histogram equalization, click on the button again.